Privacy policy.

At Missouri Homeschool Alliance, we take your privacy seriously. As an organization, we closely value the right of parents to educate their children in the manner that they see fit—especially homeschooling— without any sort of registration, notification, or regulation by the government or any public or private organization. We recognize that you have provided us with your basic contact information during membership enrollment only for the purposes of keeping in touch about the activities and functions of Missouri Homeschool Alliance. We promise you that we will never solicit from you the names or identifying information about your children, and we will never, ever share our list of subscribers with any third party, including legislators. We will never sell your information. We will use our membership rolls only to disclose the total number of homeschool families who we represent.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

We value privacy and we will always advocate for your privacy as a homeschool family.

You have our word.